Christians in Government has become quite necessary in today's society.


"The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases"
Proverbs 21:1 NIV

Since 1994, Richard has spent quality time with both Prime Ministers trying to implement a spiritual government. A spiritual governments implies Pastors will be available to advise and encourage the government of the day in regards to good governance for the benefit of all. Steps taken include friendship, prayer and Bible study with the Prime Minister. These steps have been consistent and have been well embraced.

In addition, we have recommended the forming of a pastoral team of seventeen pastors from different denominations. This was embraced with great enthusiasm, however two key denominational leaders have chosen to boycott the team coming together with the government. This opposition occurred in two separate occasions that caused the government to give up on our recommendation. This not only affects our relationship in government, but also the ability to speak out on key issues affecting our national development. As I look back 20 years in our nation the absence of Christians in the political arena has taken us to areas that we can honestly say we did not intend to go there. Because of this crisis, the church is more aware of the need for a change in our thinking concerning the need for Godly men in government. However, awareness is not enough, now we need to physically engage in practical ways of making changes.

While observing this I have concluded there are three types of people in our nation: one who sees things happen, one who hears things happen, and one who makes things happen. I am convinced that the Lord has called me to be part of the team that makes things happen. I believe that as the church in our nation we have sat back too long and stayed quiet on some fundamental issues that affect every one of us. Now we have to pay the price to restore the nation.

The church, city council and police have joined in partnership meeting every Monday morning to talk and look at current situation and how we can make Belmopan city more family friendly.

If you are interested or have questions,concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact me by any of the methods below.

Thank you

Richard Smith

Within Belize
Cell phone: 622-8010
Home: 822-0539
From United States:

From United States
Cell phone: 011-501-622-8010
Home: 410-970-6549
Home: 011-501-822-0539